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The main purpose of this tool is to generate ANTLR instructions based on a previously created specification. This specification is written in a Domain Specific Language (Meta-Grammar) that allows the definition of possible sentence structures. When processed, a file called Grammar.g4 is generated, which corresponds to the ANTLR instructions for the recognition of a sentence. Then, by processing the new generated file and by giving input accordingly, a visual syntax parse tree allows for a better analysis of the input.



The CLI version has an included help message to explain which options are available, and how to use them.

$ ./lyntax -h
Practice linguistic rules.

    | lyntax [-h | help]
    | lyntax [-g | generate] <RULES> <INPUT>
    | lyntax [-r | run]
    | lyntax [-c | clean]

    -h, help              Help message.
    -c, generate          Generates Grammar sources.
    -r, run               Compiles Grammar sources, running it given the sentence as input.
    -c, clean             Cleans files.

    <RULES>               Sentence rules (STRUCTURE + ERRORS blocks).
    <INPUT>               Parsed input (INPUT block).

As for the GUI version (compiled as a JAR file), the interaction is pretty straight forward.
